Mirror of Reality
Facing Ourselves for Personal and Professional Growth
Every morning of my formative years was greeted not just by the dawn's light but also by the empowering tunes of Michael Jackson. I mean, you couldn’t tell me anything! Among his many hits, "Man in the Mirror" struck a particular chord with me. More than just a song, it became a personal anthem of introspection and pursuing a better self for a better world. Its call for self-improvement echoed in its stirring lyrics, became a guiding principle in my life.
This message of looking inward to foster positive change is not just pivotal in personal growth but is equally significant in the realm of business and leadership. The journey of personal and professional growth often starts with a crucial, sometimes challenging, step: facing oneself in the mirror. This act can be a formidable task due to a potential lack of self-awareness or reluctance to shed long-held identities, which make others feel comfortable.
At Zeal Consulting, we understand the power of self-reflection and its role in breaking through personal barriers. To facilitate this, we advocate a practice recommended by Dr. Joe Dispenza: a simple yet profound exercise of self-love and affirmation. This involves looking into your eyes in the mirror and sincerely saying, "I love you." This act of self-affirmation, rooted in Dispenza’s teachings on intention and self-awareness, is not just an exercise in self-esteem; it’s a foundation for building a resilient and authentic self. Don’t just take reading this as proof; Google it!
Beyond individual characteristics like race, creed, or religion lies a universal truth: to effect positive change in the world, we must first be accountable to ourselves. We must be intentional in our actions and thoughts. Leading with curiosity rather than judgment can open doors to understanding and growth in moments of doubt or uncertainty.
Self-reflection and affirmation are more than practices – they are transformative experiences that unlock our potential in both personal and professional spheres. By courageously facing the mirror and embracing what we see, we can embark on a path of holistic growth and profound change. Join us at Zeal Consulting on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, where introspection is the first step towards unparalleled growth and success.
Evan J Howard MBA
Founder | CEO | Zeal Consulting LLC