Leadership Confidence

Believing in Your Can-Do Attitude

I reflected on a thought-provoking quote from Confucius: "He who says he can and he who says he cannot are both usually right." This notion has always resonated with me, particularly when thinking about confidence in leadership. It’s not about proving you're better than anyone else; it’s about recognizing that comparison is unnecessary.

This belief in oneself has been a cornerstone of my approach to leadership, stemming from my earliest experiences. I remembered a time when I was just twelve years old, and I boldly reached out to retired Hall of Fame football players, asking for their autographs. This initiative wasn't just a child’s whim; it stemmed from my understanding of scarcity and innate desire for more. Using the burgeoning power of the internet and the help of my friend, Mickey, who had access to the web and a printer, we set out on an innovative quest. We sent out letters, and the response from the players was an early testament to the power of believing 'I can.'

Over the years, this box of treasured responses collected dust, much like my confidence at times. With every new title and achievement, I faced the challenge of staying true to myself. The Happy Tee Ltd reflects that young, ambitious me, driven by growth and curiosity. It’s about connecting with people on their journey and helping leaders fortify their organizational culture with creativity and fun.

Zeal Consulting is here to guide you if you're looking to bolster your leadership skills or enhance your organization's culture. We specialize in cultivating confidence and innovation in leadership and organizational development. Reach out to us, and let's explore how we can support your journey towards greater confidence and success. Together, we can tailor strategies and solutions that resonate with your unique needs, helping you and your leaders grow and thrive. 🚀

Evan J Howard MBA

Founder | CEO | Zeal Consulting LLC


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